Does Neil Young Have Too Much Music?
Earlier this week, I was listening to Neil Young when I came across an article about some of the new archival releases he has coming out later this year. This got me thinking about just how much music Neil Young has released. He has over 40 studio albums dating back to 1969, as well as 8 live albums. That number doesn’t account for all of the unreleased music that he puts on his own streaming service that his fans can subscribe to. As a fan of his music myself, I am left with the daunting task of deciding where to begin when it comes to blogging about my appreciation for his career, which spans over 50 years.
I am sure I will do a review of a few of his albums in the future, but which ones should I review first? Only time will tell. When looking at a songwriter with a career as prolific as Neil Young, the thought of having too much music to listen to and review is actually a good problem to have.